(Running) Round The Square

Extra Special Bonus Content!!!

In the time it takes to walk around Northampton Square starting from Danny’s café, one of the students here at City tells us all about their podcast.

In this very special edition, Charlie Brown walks with Tim Utzig from the MA Podcasting postgraduate course and hears all about his experience as a visually impaired student and what brought him to City to study podcasting.

And in extra bonus content – one more lap round the square! – he discusses his preparation for the London Marathon and shares his tips and advice for anyone considering similar adventures. Whether in running or podcasting….

You can follow Tim:



Find out more about guide running for the blind in his podcast Running Blind

And Tim will be running the London Marathon for the Guide Dog charity that brought his much loved companion – and City Uni celeb! – Alisa into his life. To donate:


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