Round The Square – New Episode

Bonus Content!

In the time it takes to walk around Northampton Square starting from Danny’s café, one of the students here at City tells us all about their podcast.

In this week’s episode, Charlie Brown walks with Oli Mansfield from the MA Broadcast postgraduate course and hears all about his podcast Under One Sky.

Under One Sky is a podcast which attempts to paint a picture of homelessness, as a story, that is unique, dynamic and complex.

Each episode will draw on a guest’s expertise and experience to bring to light a different lens to view homelessness, to give us as listeners a fuller understanding of homelessness that avoids careless speculation and stereotyping.

This is podcast that first recognises the worth and value of the people that find themselves in a state of Homelessness. They are people like you and me, just the right things in their lives have gone wrong.

To find out more about Oli and his work:

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